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(3 edits) (+2)

I can't believe I only learned you can be a succubus after I finished the game... it could had been so perfect! gosh I am sad :(, that dialogue just completely slipped my mind because there were a lot of other tasks I was doing in the game. It's so frustrating. It didn't ruin my playthrough, but I was so close to "perfection"

At least I didn't miss any dialogue I guess

I am amazed how there's more I haven't seen about the game when I read the comments

wait how do you become a succubus

(2 edits) (+1)

You need to unlock the cumlab and the club that goes behind it first.
(Spoilers) To become a succubus, you need to wear the cum lover outfit and explore the streets of tale. After getting enough vials, giving it to annie, and bathing in cum 5 times, you'll become a succubus.

edit: Talk to annie after taking the baths

Deleted 1 year ago

I did ot but nothing happened

what part did you do?

all of it I got the cum I got the thing I need to bathe in and I got the clothes you said to wear or maybe I got the clothes wrong 


how do i bathe in da coom

after you get the bottle from annie (not the rebels), go to your home and take a bath, the option should appear


hi hi! I just wanted to let you know that I'm 99% sure that you can only become a succubus after the 3rd dungeon (aka beat the game) ^^

(2 edits) (+1)

I tried for myself, you have to beat the second dungeon and then talk Freya. Once you do, you get the option to "exchange 3 vials of cum", otherwise it doesn't show up despite having the vials of cum. This is probably done to avoid spoilers, or this is probably where the second wave of secondary tasks are unlocked

This will probably lead to a lot of people missing it, since people are told about the vials and the eau of cum way earlier :/


aah yea haha probably ^^

How do I get through dungeon 1? They do too much fire damaage and I can't have more than 1 FP potion at a time. I bought 2 FP potions and 1 WP Potion and only 1 potion of each type appeared. Is it just better to craft potions in the alchemy lab? Are they stronger?


It might be glitched, you should be able to have more than one potion. For all the dungeons you should stock up on A LOT of potions and you should use a power that you don't take damage on so probably don't use fire. Focus on one power and make sure its not a power that you take damage in, also make sure your powers are at max level before each dungeon.

il faut qu'elle coupe de cheveaux pour avoire le cadeau de elyana


is there any way you can hook up with that adventurer who invites you to the lake

yes; theres 2: after a certain amount of lust it will prompt a scene at the lake, and in wearing the dom outfit you invite him to your home for a scene there


i think this game isn't being released anymor


On the dev itch page, it says that the game is finished


which are the slutty but elegant outfit and the megasluty outfit?

slutty but elegant is the st. louis top you get in late game. the megaslutty outfit has the name ""megaslutty" iirc its also a late game outfit.

I finished the game, its been fun, what should i do now? i dont have the clothes for the prostitution

you can either use cheats to get the remaining outfit[s] now that you're done. or go to tale iirc you unlock it by going out prostituting in tale at night

Need to repeat the Tale dungeon by talking to Rignar again. Seems to be a random chance but the final boss drops the whole outfit eventually.

how do you make potions?

Do you need to buy a place to make the potions, in the housebuilding


I have unlocked both monasties and I don't know how to progress would anyone be able to guide me please

fight some of the soldiers by exploring the mountains, you should get access to the rebel camp to continue from there


Would it be possible to make it so you  aren't forced to raise Raven's sexual interest in order to progress in the game? I managed to get all the way to invading the Pure Order's secret club while keeping Raven innocent and now I can't advance the game because of it because she won't put on the Bunny Outfit. Just slightly annoying to put that kind of effort into a pure run for the shits and giggles only for even the illusion of choice to be stripped away. I get it's a lewd game, but why have the stat if it's going to become meaningless since you have to throw it away to advance the story?

Ah. I see this game has been complete and untouched for about a year now, so nevermind. This change isn't likely to happen then given that gap

They're sadly focused on their games getting more attention, they said they have stuff planned so maybe keep an eye out on erosland for now.


its complete? I am very much waiting for and many people Russian translation


Wait How Do I Get Cheat's? I Can't Get It..

Deleted 331 days ago

We want an update on this game

pls make a update cuz i want to know more what will be after she fight shes dad


I real like this game, but where i can buy the butt plug?

In the second region (forgot the name, second dungeon you beat). There's a tattoo shop from the moment you enter there and they sell them

Standard butt plug comes from an event with the adventurer you run into in the woods. If you let another guy chase him off, he gives it to you. The horse and dog tail plugs you buy at the tattoo parlor.


Guys, I really love your game studio.. I have passed The Wind's Disciple many times and I love its translation into Russian, so I ask you very much, translate Raven's Quest for Russian-speaking users, I love you very much!


how do you trigger the "confront Steve" scene?

You need the dom outfit if I remember correctly

you were right. didnt realize it was triggered by the outfit and not the stat

How to complete dungeon 1? I always L at the last boss(I did all staff, but i spend too much mana on killing other)

you can buy potions and use the

(1 edit)

Where i can buy it ?

Lazarus's Caravan over in the Forest. If you can get the cash, you can also buy an Alchemy lab from Tale's Town Hall and make them yourself

Deleted 1 year ago

More than 250 million people speak Russian. Ukrainians and people similar to them in their views are able to do this without any problems.


I want to add that I am a Crimean Tatar and I am for Ukraine. And I do not know what you did not like in the previous comment, but the language is not to blame for what is going on in your head. I just want understanding and a lot of language in this game and not only.


Add Russian language please,

is there pregnancy?

Yes, but you can turn it off if you want by buying a potion in game. 

(1 edit)

yayyyy, second question

monster pregnancy or human pregnancy?

(1 edit)


Deleted 1 year ago

No, the game does not allow you to keep them.

Excellent game, did not expect that much content.
Love the art and outfits, hope we get way more art and side character content, especially Nawyn :)

where is elyana i can't find her

Icona di Verificata con community

carino il gioco non l'ho ancora finito ma sempre le stesse animazioni ce cambiatele un po se sono le stesse e inutile andare avanti (italiano)

I have killed the Momunth with Elyana and she is now gone to rescue her sister. When will they be back?

(1 edit) (+1)

Bro, what to do after you talk to Artist Lu (guy in oasis) about Momunoth (dialog when he asked to pose in micro-bikini)? Thank you in advance

Go to the bathhouse and enter the female side a few times and you get a couple outfit gifts, one is the micro bikini[which you can wear in the bath house

Will there be any updates anytime?

(1 edit) (+3)

how do I ask Elyana for help im stuck in this quest


Do you guys have any recommendation of games that are like this but is a little bit more focused on sex?

(1 edit) (+4)

Hox much of a sex addict do I have to be to sex the dog/wolf?

Edit: nevermind, I think I found how.


Go through the story up to when you get access to the mountain, then try both temple or whatever they are called





Are you dreaming?


how do you unlock the mens section in the baths?


go in naked, may need more interest in sex

Deleted 1 year ago

You can't find her by the forest lake

Deleted 105 days ago
(1 edit)

I found a bug, when I used the forest shrine I got to 2.4 power, then I found the black stone shrine and I was still innocent so the black stone gave me 0.1 to air power thus I have 2.4 in all elements aside from air where I have 2.5. I think because of this I can't get any elements upgraded in any way anymore. 
EDIT: sorry, it seems the witch can still lvl me up, i just thought that the shrine could get me to 2.5 power


Rape, really? A trigger warning would have been nice...

is this scene obtainable in game?



how do you obtain it?


Main story.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 109 days ago

You can also sneak into the pagan monastery to steal the ears, and the rest can be gotten from defeating the wolves, no beastiality needed.

Deleted 1 year ago

Talk to both monasteries, do not accept the pagan invite out back (it has a note on the button about unlocking beastiality content). At the other, click the Sister Raven info, if I remember right, to get that as a Vessel, you aren't allowed to participate at the pagan monestary. You should then be able to sneak in and steal the cat ears

Deleted post

does anyone know how to beat dungeon 2?


spam medium FP potions and just fireball over and over, that's how I beat it

I've tried but it still doesn't work, is there another way?

this might be late but tentacle creatures are extremely vulnerable to thunderbolts

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