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How do I find elyana? I've searched the lake for like an hour, trying both options (exploring surroundings and walking near the lake) and  I haven't found her. I need her to help me defeat the father.


Where I can find elyana?

(4 edits)

Spoiler below.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies tortor eget ex facilisis, ut cursus nibh convallis. Ut mollis, magna sed porttitor tincidunt, libero neque semper lacus, ac sollicitudin urna elit et elit. Integer sit amet placerat nunc. In ultrices tristique dui, vel tristique massa posuere non. Sed egestas purus sed urna auctor tincidunt. Donec porttitor est erat, non suscipit elit gravida dignissim. Morbi sit amet orci imperdiet, gravida justo eget, pulvinar elit. Aliquam cursus tempus feugiat. Donec dignissim convallis ex non ultrices. Ut ut arcu tempor, auctor leo eget, blandit quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu malesuada neque. Nullam molestie scelerisque egestas.

Pellentesque sagittis pretium nibh eget pretium. Nam dignissim eleifend diam, vel gravida erat commodo vel. Duis vel velit pellentesque, tristique ex nec, lobortis magna. Pellentesque sit amet urna odio. Sed ultrices dui ante, vel semper nisl accumsan nec. Aenean ligula ligula, egestas et placerat et, ultricies accumsan lectus. Phasellus ex erat, laoreet eu odio ac, congue hendrerit leo. Praesent nunc felis, interdum sed felis vitae, pretium fringilla nunc. Nullam vulputate nibh id fringilla imperdiet. Sed aliquet, eros ut convallis accumsan, nunc lacus scelerisque sapien, dignissim aliquam libero nunc vitae libero.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum purus massa, scelerisque vitae elit et, hendrerit lacinia sem. Nullam et ipsum eu elit laoreet pellentesque. Duis ex nulla, cursus non placerat eu, luctus sit amet tortor. Nam auctor lobortis orci, quis consectetur ex porta nec. Nam eget nunc nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent et sem molestie, suscipit metus finibus, placerat lacus. Donec at venenatis mi, sit amet pharetra mauris. Fusce accumsan lorem nec neque ultrices, ac ultrices lorem lobortis.

Suspendisse vel viverra augue, vel volutpat lorem. Ut sagittis erat et sapien maximus molestie. Fusce vel consectetur lacus, eget malesuada purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam tincidunt dui sed ante egestas pellentesque. Mauris finibus sapien in mauris finibus porttitor. Aliquam interdum, tortor ac dictum pharetra, nisi nisl auctor tortor, sit amet semper diam magna eget diam. Proin massa lorem, tincidunt a mattis ac, porttitor ac tellus. Vivamus vel faucibus ex, a ullamcorper tortor. Vestibulum commodo orci a sapien interdum mattis. Suspendisse finibus neque mi, vel luctus dui malesuada ac.

Find the animal sex pagan monestery in the mountains after getting a quest to find her, then consent to animal sex. Then Elynana can be found once a day at the lake near the house and you got to meet her like less than ten times until you can invite her to live with you if have an extension built for 250G in the cityhall(?).

how to make someone get out my house 


Quick question: Pregnancy?


already in game

(1 edit) (+2)

And, no, this isn't from porn. It's white because it's old, not because it's a Certain Sticky Substance

How can i craft a medium potion,and where i can find the material to craft potion?

question for the dev team. is there any plans to release a gameplay guide. main plot, post credit stuff, how to 100% the outfits and whats needed for every scene trigger? genuinely loved the game and still finding new scenes all the time. Im curious to figure out what i still haven't discovered on my own.

It's not in our plans, it would take a lot of work and we would need to pause working on the games we are doing at the moment :p



Is this game finished? And if so, is the full version available here on 

Is finished yes

Can someone tell me how to get to the desert?


just keep helping rebels 
eventually they will send you to desert to meet some witch for power 

Thanks, now I am stuck with Elyana go to save her sister but I need her to help me fight 'my dad'.  Do I have to somewhere, or just wait until her return? 

don't remember ngl 

you have to wait for her return then ask her to assist you. it doesnt take long iirc

Deleted 1 year ago

How to get bunny girl outfit 

please help

Oh and in case you still havent got this, you can 'help' the rebel in Ashon City with their 'desire' then they will give it to you


i see 

Is it possible to stop being pregnant by using a command?

afaik no. but you can go to annie's shop and buy a potion that disables pregnancy
note; it works everywhere but the orc camp


i download the game for windows but i cant open it . when i click the launch botton nothing happening 

what do I need to do to work not,,normally,, in a tavern as a waitress?

its an outfit you get later on in game [or with cheats] that you can wear instead of the usual uniform.

anything you know bout bunny girl outfit?

its an outfit you unlock to use at the club in ashton [you get it from the rebels so you can sneak in as an "employee"]. you can eventually unlock the inverse bunnygirl that you can use there as well. however it does not trigger any events at steve's pub [thats the micro bikini]

Is 1.40 the final version or is the full version somewhere else because it still sais there is nl sex gameplay with the tentacles or do i jus have to complete the main quest first??

i think i remember seeing something about this current version bein a complete version [unless the devs said otherwise and i missed it].

i encountered that too at first. I wanna say it either fixed itself on a reinstall OR fixed itself after progressing to ashton plains. 

but regardless there should be sex gameplay when you submit to the monster [as all combat encounters do].

there is also after you defeat final boss the ability to go to a tentacle cave for other scenes if thats what you meant instead.

oh alright thank you good to know and yeah it is the finall version 


How do i change the cloths on mobile? I dont even know if i have an invintory

who tf is elyana and where do i find her, i swear i have never seen her

you can find her by exploring the lake. iirc you need a certain amount of lust? but i could be wrong on that part

k i'll try that, i needed to know cause the quest i am on forces me to recruit her

yup main plot. just keep exploring the lake i found her pretty quickly once i got to the mountains i just dont recall how much lust mattered in this.

Is sex scenes animated?



how to get past the church in the mountains and also how do I access the mens section of the bath house


you need to explore and encounter the guards, win the fight and it should give you the next plot point. as for the bath house keep goin back and in particular do the mixed baths, at some point w/ enough lust it'll show up as an option

How can I prostitute in Tale?

you have to defeat the order in tale first

When will update 1.15 come out? I like the story and, mechanics that hopefully had more characters, bosses and animals!


The game is rather complete, we may update it with small customizations/events in the future, though. :)


How do you get the outfit from Lazurus? I have the megaslutty outfit, but he refuses to give me anything, just does his generic stuff

So, just finished my second run of this game, got all outfits, but still looking for a few things;

I've found all 3 buttplugs and the egg vibe, where can I find the other toys?

Are there other toys?

Apparently there are some dildo's, but I have no idea.

did you ever find out where to find them? i was fairly certain i had 100% the game [though if true theres still stuff to be seen ig].

nope, still looking.

question, where tf is elyana

May ik the locations of the toys you currently have found. I just got the first Buttplug.😅

(1 edit)

The others are the tail buttplugs which can be bought in the second town shop, and the egg vibe is given by an npc after clearing the first dungeon and doing the exhibitionist activity.

Although, I've heard a few times there are also dildoes in the game, but I've been searching extensively for a few days and havn't found any so, idk.

thanks for the help. 

Deleted post

We really don't support the Android version, it is really a very simple port. In the future, when the game is mostly done, we will try to clean it up :)

Deleted post

We have a discord, but it's only for Patrons at the moment >_<

How do I talk to Elyana?

Am I doing something wrong?

Yooo quick question how you get pregnant from other creatures other than orcs cause i tried plenty of times yet, it's not working.


nvm i got it

i just bustered everywhere

where to find a rabbit costume?

Guys, like I beat thag highest priest and when I went through the new masturbation thingies, my sex stats suddenly changed? That didnt even happen actually, only in her imagination. Can someone explain? I'M DESPERATE

masturbation also affects lust. so that should have gone up. unless you meant a different stat?

How can I get attitude? PLZ ANSWER

Talk to the black stone thing in the forest - say youve been bad and it should increace the attitude

(1 edit)

Is there a way for raven to work naked at Steve's pub like it says work normally I can only assume that she be naked or be more revealing while working as the waitress

more revealing clothes is the other outfit option, its unlocked later on in game or you can use cheats to get them.

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I get the swimsuit???????

Also how do I change the color of the hair?

swimsuit can be acquired from the soren at the desert, the hairstylist is in the city of pervish.

Deleted 135 days ago

At the cumlab in stores at tale obe the potion prevents pregnancy from sex buy and drink it and your never seen her get pregnant.

I think I may have softlocked myself out of that, because every time I go to the public baths I don't get an option to talk to Annie. Do I need my Attitude to be higher? I play as a dominant raven, if that changes anything

The top for exploring tale is not giving me when I explore tale over 30 times. What do I do?

Next update date ???


Where Do I get the rest of the catgirl outfit? I dont remember where I got the paws


its a random drop from wolf encounters. you can encounter them consistently in the mountains

aight, thanks

how do I activate the cheat menu? I saw a post that said in the library in ravens home but i'm not seeing it

you need finish the main story first (from what i have heard)  but if you just want to add coins there is a way to do it without cheat menu

(1 edit) (+1)

where can i find clothes of megaslut (google traslator)

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