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How do i get a choice to do something in the goblin camp, because i have the goblin camp as an option in the forest known places but literally im not getting any choices to do anything in it

you mean orc camp? you need to fuck tons of orc to get invited to orc camp for, well more fuck

is there ever an event where we fuck Steven rather than a blowjob?


Can she get pregnant from the horses or tentacle monsters? Also, does anyone react to her being pregnant (especially if they're the father)? Like the priest reacting if she has a wolf pup or Remi reacting if you have his baby

(2 edits)

best female mc i have played so far, i like how the game have wide variation of outfit. i also really like the tentacle pet too. the main story is is quite fun, the side quest is also fun to do.  the combat is pretty good. overall 9/10, i just hope there is more quest after the main story finished and more outfit collection :D

I accidentally skipped the conversation where Elyana talks about rescuing her sister, what was needed to do?

I don't have the option to change clothes and cuz of that I can't progress into the clandestine club. any fixes?

Deleted 4 days ago

You have to get a certain outfit then you will be able to work int hat instead.

Is it just me or is it slightly broken on mobile? Seems a bit janky and text isnt rendering properly to me? Love to try it out but i cant :(

Hi pixelgames, I really like your games, and I've played all three, I've found them all good and pretty cool, I have a question about this game Raven'sQuest, is it about whether it will have more updates? or is it already coming to an end? thanks for reading, I wish you luck in your games 

They've said its been done for awhile.


cheats codes, 

press shift + O to open console

gold = 9999
max_ep = 9999
max_ap = 9999
max_fp = 9999
max_wp = 9999

All outfits

head_default = 1

top_default_1a = 1
top_default_1b = 1
top_default_1c = 1

bottom_default_1a = 1

feet_default_1a = 1
feet_default_1b = 1

top_thug = 1
bottom_thug = 1

top_leathera = 1
bottom_leathera = 1
feet_leathera = 1

top_waitress = 1
bottom_waitress = 1
feet_waitress = 1

top_towel = 1

head_cat = 1
top_cat = 1
bottom_cat = 1
feet_cat = 1

top_mbikini = 1
bottom_mbikini = 1

top_dom = 1
bottom_dom = 1
feet_dom = 1

top_sub = 1
bottom_sub = 1
feet_sub = 1

head_cap = 1

top_reg = 1
bottom_reg = 1
feet_reg = 1

top_whore1 = 1
bottom_whore1 = 1
feet_whore1 = 1

head_cowgirl = 1
top_cowgirl = 1
bottom_cowgirl = 1
feet_cowgirl = 1

top_cumtank = 1

head_sexidol = 1
top_sexidol = 1
bottom_sexidol = 1
feet_sexidol = 1

top_ex = 1
bottom_ex = 1
feet_ex = 1

head_playboy = 1
top_playboy = 1
bottom_playboy = 1
feet_playboy = 1

top_punk = 1
bottom_punk = 1
feet_punk = 1

top_hcwhore = 1
bottom_hcwhore = 1
feet_hcwhore = 1

head_kda = 1
top_kda = 1
bottom_kda = 1
feet_kda = 1

head_peach = 1
top_peach = 1
bottom_peach = 1
feet_peach = 1

head_mslut = 1
top_mslut = 1
bottom_mslut = 1
feet_mslut = 1

top_louis = 1
feet_louis = 1

top_rbunny = 1
bottom_rbunny = 1

top_yoko = 1
bottom_yoko = 1
feet_yoko = 1

head_lisa = 1
top_lisa = 1
bottom_lisa = 1
feet_lisa = 1

top_badslut = 1
bottom_badslut = 1

top_jewel = 1


sextoy_buttplug = 1
sextoy_egg_vibrator = 1
sextoy_buttplug_horse = 1
sextoy_buttplug_dog = 1


raven_attitude = 99999999 # pure < 1, naughty > 99999999
raven_kink = 99999999 # submission < 1, domination > 99999999


qtt_calindra = 99999999
qtt_poppylake = 99999999
qtt_cremoss = 99999999
qtt_seren = 99999999
qtt_desper = 99999999
qtt_siren = 99999999
qtt_orsula = 99999999
qtt_starf = 999999


ep_weak_potion_qtt = 99999999
wp_weak_potion_qtt = 99999999
ap_weak_potion_qtt = 99999999
fp_weak_potion_qtt = 99999999

ep_medium_potion_qtt = 99999999
wp_medium_potion_qtt = 99999999
ap_medium_potion_qtt = 99999999
fp_medium_potion_qtt = 99999999

the_strong_potion_qtt = 99999999

potion_of_return = 99999999
energy_potion = 99999999
ovu_potion = 99999999
contra_potion = 99999999
cum_towel = 99999999
glass_vial_qtt = 99999999
cum_vial_qtt = 99999999


hungry = 15
thirsty = 7
sleepy = 30

drunk = 0


masturbated = 99999999
faped_to = 99999999
handjob = 99999999
blowjob = 99999999
swallow = 99999999
pussy_eaten = 99999999
cunnilingus = 99999999
boobjob = 99999999
footjob = 99999999
pussy = 99999999
anal = 99999999
creampied = 99999999
orgasms = 99999999


feet_fetish = 99999999.0
exhibitionism = 99999999.0
voyeur = 99999999.0
humiliation = 99999999.0
prostitution = 99999999.0
cum_lover = 99999999.0
sensibility = 99999999.0
water_sports = 99999999.0


raped = 99999999
sex_after_win = 99999999
seduced = 99999999
submited = 99999999


lesbian = 99999999
hetero = 99999999
monstersex = 99999999
bestiality = 99999999
interracial = 99999999

orc_sex = 99999999
sorenmale_sex = 99999999
tentacle_sex = 99999999

q. disfrutes

Muchas grasias 

a creador de este juego

Does it work on android?

si tu te tienes teclado q puedes conectar con bluetooth supongo q si

thanks! And yes, i ghave keyboard 

I have difficulty passing the dungeon. Is it possible to increase the level of spells beyond 4 and how do I make a room for a white-haired elf?

You can get spells beyond level 4 later on in the game. I would suggest you save up money by working at the bar then going to the forest and going to the trader (cant remember his name or spell it) and buy a shit ton of fp potions. Also the high order enemies are weak to earth spike so use it as much as you can

I have a question, in the game Elyana Who the hell is it?I've been looking for him for 15 minutes, but I haven't found him yet. Can you give me a specific descriptionLike what race is he? What hair color


Elyana is an elven girl, you can find her at the lake. You need to take a walk around the lake at a specific time of day and than once you find her you can always visit her at the lake


Is this game being updated now

Trivial typo - on the download screen, I found "2. Exctract and play!".  Presumably that should be "Extract"....


I am actually tweaking- I can not figure out how to get/make potions, and I'm only on the first dungeon. I keep on gathering herbs and glass vials, but I can't use them to make potions?? This game is super cool, and I hope I can eventually beat it, but it's impossible to get past the first dungeon without potions.


You'll need to get an alchemy station built at home first to make potions. Good luck! 

Deleted 12 days ago

Really loved this game, will there every come more content or a sequel? I suppose not...

I cannot beat the second monster in the dungeon 2. His health is 31 and mine 7.0


What can I do to beat dungeon 2? The medium potions do not heal for the damage I took, rather a bit below it making it difficult or impossible to defeat with 7 dmg, is there anything that I overlooked that could help me?


Prior to the fight, drink your potions. Medium potions can exceed your max a little (by 1.0? Maybe more?) Trying to heal midfight is a losing battle.


I like this


Hey Pixel games your games look awesome and I played some hours of Raven's Quest on Android like a year ago but now I'm very into drm free games and I'm looking forward to try yours again but I have a concern about possible different version of your games? My question is why your games are free, and whether we're getting the full experience for potentially free or is there a paid version somewhere?

If anyone else has trustable answers you're welcome to share.

 I love your art!


We always try to provide our games for free and depend on donations in our Patreon. (Our patrons receive the game two weeks prior to public release)
If at some point, that wouldn't be possible, then that system won't work, but people trust in us and like our games enough that donate in our Patreon for us to keep doing them. :)


Gooned, edged, and rubbed my sausage RAW -- It quite literally has carpet denim burn cuz I was stroking through my jeans. I'm not kidding when I say I pretty much skipped work to goon to this game in my car (i'll spare the details). 

Dropped an easy $10, would've dropped $5 more but rent is due and I'm broke rn. Lowkey reminds me of "Corruption of Champions" but maybe better in a way since there's visuals. Regardless, negligible comparison, they're both great in their own ways.

8/10: Satisfactory goon sesh.


Bro is real


This guy is acting like a weirdo (a "gooner") to missrepresent the audience of this game. Goon is a term the woke nowadays use and popularized (nobody else (aware) uses it) to insult people that like and support heterosexually attractive females in games and media in general, because the woke cosiders all of them fapper perverts that use their penis as brain and can't control their impulses, etc. 

This is the same as when during a particular republican rally, people from antagonist parties disguised themselves and nazis and rallied along with them, soon to be pushed away. I'm here just straighting up the narrative for naive people coming here and thinking this guy has good intentions. Just check his comment history.

And the guy who replied "bro is real" has only made that comment with that account.


aint no way has bro turned gooning into a political issue. Touch grass, its not that deep


Dude.... drop the tinfoil hat and get over yourself, it's a PORN game. You're stroking your sausage to this just like the rest of us LOL. This isn't some agenda I have, I just comment honestly how I feel about the games I play 😌 


You and your fake account keep pretending to belong here while writing like we all are disgusting gooners. Masturbating doesn't make you a disgusting weirdo like you present yourself. Mentally sane people don't go to adult game forums to tell how they masturbate, and then spam the same comment in other games.

Will there be a Turkish translation?


Is there anyway to train with the guy  without having s*x with him or nah?


Is a virgin run possible?

Are you planning a translation into Spanish in the near future? 

No, sorry :( 

how do you get the butt plugs and sex toys?


if you're still in tale you need to progress the story further,

if not they're at the tattoo parlor

Can you get pregnant? And how

by any creature, the quickest is the orc camp

How do you get scenes in orc camp bc when i click it doesn't show anything

investigate the forest until you get scenes with orcs, one should tell you about the camp

 i already had the choice  in forest know places the orcin camp is just that when i click on it it doesn't show nor have any choices 

Did you found solution?

You need to give born from orc to approach their camp


Is the game going to have an update anytime soon or are you done with it?


"Status: Released"


So it's finished right?


Just some tips, try adding make up and mascara, more tattoos and options for body customization in that way, personalizing a character is the best, also, ive already got everything in the game and enjoy trying out combinations of outfits and hair styles, pls add a way to save certain designs you have as that would make the game much more novel in my opinion, and finally, this is a bit much but maybe add more girls to the house, and perhaps allowing to temporarily switch from raven to another character like elyana or the witches, with their own set of clothes and tats like raven, this is a lot but it would add so much more to the game which would captivate viewers, making people feel their character as their very own if you know what I mean, anyways, I hope you see this pixel games, I've completed all of your games and love them all, I know you are working on Erosland with peach and all but please give it some thought, thanks!


How do I get Elyana back home after finishing her quest? She shows up after the orc events, but I won't find her anywhere else. I've also finished all the quests in the game, except hers


You should add in a futanari potion and a masturbate option that allows you to fuck and impregnate yourself


Is everything ok at home?


To the people that are stuck, you're doo doo at the game ngl, that shit is ez with weak potions if you use enough of em

Deleted 69 days ago

Can someone tell me where I can find star flower and orsula?


One day this game will get the attention it deserves. In the meantime, I'll wait.

I can't find star flower and orsula to make the potions to attack the order. Help please!!!! 

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