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How do I get to the talent studio?

Explore Tale city after clemaing the second dungeon, after that you will see an option to join an street musician

I've finished the game and still don't get the option to join a musician

Is the game Completed?

From the info on this page,yes but the dev still update the game

Do anyone know how to pass dungeon 2? It's feels impossible

Stock potions and drink full to get 8 points in everything, after the third battle drink again and use Ellyanas help if you did her mission

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hi, can you explain a bit more? i enter dungeon 2, play 3 battles, then drink to heal up? because in the endfight when i want to drink, it uses up my move and you will die slowly

and when should the option appear that ellyana can help me? she is already living at my house and i showed her the horsefarm, dont know what else i can do

you can rescue  ellyana's sister to get  ellyana to help,

but the easiest way is to over heal with medium potions up to 11 in all stats and use super effective move. (think it is thunder) 

yeah i achieved it like that.

what ellyana has a sister? damn why didn't i find her?

Great game, can’t wait to have more tentacle play. But I stuck after Elyana came to rescue her sister, she doesn’t come back after some time. Can’t pass dungeon 2 too.

She takes a reaaaally long time to come back

I cannot find Elyana at all. I get no lake encounter and she isn't at the baths or my house. Ive already recruited Rignar but haven't seen a single hair of hers.

Did you go to the lake at early morning?

I have but I don't get any encounter, the only thing that happens is time passes.

Do you remember what is the last thing you did with her?

Ive never seen her before. I haven't had any encounter with her.

Have you meet the guy from the forest who takes baths too?

How do you keep the dominant points from going down? Or how do you make them go up?

Doing submissive choices, dominat ones or with the black stone from the forest


After you defeat an enemy, spare them without mocking them.  That will lower your dom while mocking them raises it.  Also, some events give you a dom or sub option that effects the score.

Having trouble launching the game, it appears for around a second then closes itself. Playing on Windows 10.

Deleted 241 days ago

Complete Elyanas quest, thta unlock her as a companiom

Deleted 241 days ago

Save money up to 250 of gold and buy it on the townhall of Tale. Sorry for late too

Are there any scenes with "alchemist lazarus"?

Only to get a suit

How to get?

I don't remember well that one, but Im mostly sure that you need the exhibitionism one and talk with him


How do you get the kda outfit?

If I remember well, you just need to keep working at the club as a singer

Is there some trick to finding the kitty that you need to pet in Ashon city? I've got the outfit, but I can't find the animal anywhere. Is it the same as Lyman and Taro, and if so did I miss it by unlocking their house before I got the Silver Dress?

If you have it equipped the option should just appear

Hello everyone again! Can you please send the save file where the bunny girl costume was received? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it, and then I want to play the game (

You sure is not in your inventory?

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Fuck i stuck in dungeon 2, i don't know how to complete Elyana quest

In wich part are you with her?

First part

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Keep tlakomg with her and taking baths until you get the option to ask her to live with you. (You will need an extra room in your house)

And btw, thats only the first part. If you are stuck with it later tell me

Is it possible to do a virgin run at all? Or is it blocked by quest requirements?

It was hindered by the mission requirements

Quest requirements, I tried that too

Please help me! I stopped at the moment where you need to find a bunny girl costume to get into the club. But I don't understand where to get it. Where to go and who to talk to? Please help


you need to help pleasure the rebels at the hideout after a while they give you a gift (if i remember correctly)

Deleted 2 years ago

OK, thanks. it's about the hiding place where we meet with Patric? 


Yep, its there

How long do I have to wait? I "helped" both men and women in the shelter. what's next?


I didn't count it, but around 5 with both should do

How long do I have to wait? I "helped" both men and women in the shelter. what's next?


you have to help them quite a bit ( not just once) i cant remember but it took me a few days

Does the android version still have a terrible and unusable ui?

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no, Its work now


Very fun and kinky game! (Only played as a Sub Raven so far) Can't wait for the next update!

Lost to the final boss, which sucked. Not particularly in the mood to grind out potion ingredients. (Note: Stock up on Earth & Fire Medium Potions before entering)

Also: Tiger babies are called cubs in English, can't wait for the update where you add foals and tentalings to the stat card, voice acting would be great to add over time (at least on Raven), all named/unique characters should have a unique appearance IMO (though I understand it isn't logical to do all at once),  a journal of all side-quest type stuff would be nice to have, a garden at home to harvest all the potion ingredients is a must, and...I can't think of too much else! Maybe have Rignar's daughter live with you if you have the space? Not sure.

rignars daughter can come live with you ^^  make friends with some orcs.

are there animations?

Yes like a zoom in on parts. Some have full body.

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Where do I get the bunny outfit? I only have the ears. Since I do not have the full outfit I cannot enter The clandestine club to do dungeon 2, which is frustrating. Also I noticed that I did not get stuff from the forest shrine and I am already at dungeon 2 quest. Is there any way to get these items?

For the full bunny you need to have sex with the rebels in the hideout. The forest shrine is just to level up stats, so don't worry about that one. You will get better ways to do it

For some reason eventhough I had both dom and sub sex with Ashton rebels and did the nighttime sex training....the suit did not show up. Now that the trainer is gone, I redid the sex scenes. It did not say I was rewarded the suit but I now find it in my inventory. It is a mystery haha. Thanks for the tip.

Glad to help

Would you perchance know where cat ears are?

If im not mistaked, they are droped in the skadis blessing scene


i hope one day there will be an update where i can choose to keep my child and raise it

How do I find Elyana?

From your home you explore the forest until you find the lake or a handsome man walking invites you to go to the lake, say yes. From then on, you can visit the lake as a location. When at the lake, choose to walk along the lakeshore, where you will meet Elyana. If have the animal liking on, you can proceed after a couple meetings with her. If you have an dorm added to your house, you can eventually ask her to move in.

Is she there a certain time? I just keep on getting the regular prompt

She is there in the morning

And do you need to trigger something to find her?

Btw bro Do you know how to complete Elyana's mission?

For her saving sister quest after she moves into your dorm. First you need to talk to lazarus about the monster she mentions for the horn. Follow whatever requirements he has. I think it was an outfit request (can't remember totally as it has been a bit). As for the oasis, talk to the soren artist dude there and he will tell you his requirements to tell you the location of the needed monster.

A bikini is needed-You need to go to the bathhouse to the male side, naked, and do fun stuff. You can get the skimpy bikini. I can't remember if you get it right away or if you need to visit the women's bath and talk the cum lover chick. Afterwards you go to the oasis and pose in the bikini for the artist dude to get the location. From there you go home, go to Elyana's room and talk to her. There is a cutscene, you then automatically go there and battle.

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you get the megaslutty outfit from going to the mens side, the microbikini is from all bathhouse events (in mixed and womens)

I'm wearing the bikini then I go to him and it's not doing anything

So what's the easiest way to make money?

working at the pub as a waitress.  Atleast till you beat the first dungeon.


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how can i bit the dungeon 1? i have used many potion already but i still cant win

Buy around 12 of fire resistan potions and 8 of the rest, max out to 8 every atribute and after the third battle stack up again to 8 all

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where i can buy fire resisten potion ??

Lazarus sell smalls potions 

Deleted 2 years ago
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You can buy an alchemy work station from Tale. Go to each location you have unlocked and collect the herbs there by click the little plant icon in bottom left corner. Go home to the set up workstation and make them yourself if you found empty vials via the stray dog or you bought them from Lazarus. Or yeah, just buy the potions for 8 gold each from Lazarus.

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Amazing game. I just finished it <3

But a quest remained to me:
How you fill the vials that Cum Lover Annie asked for? I'm really lost.

Also I'm very frustrated that I can't get the top that drops from tentacles in the desert. Does it really drops ramdomly? It's the only outfit that I don't have :')

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You have to wear the shirt she gave to you and have sex with other people. And yes, its random, but can be optained defeating them or having sex

is there something like a guide where i can see what something does or require?

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I cant find elyana near the lake no matter what I tried what do I have to do? I talked with rignar already


If you did her quest she should be on your house (If you have an extra room)

But in case you helped her in the second uqest she gives you just wait around a week in game until shes back

I wanna know where to get the wings that's the only thing that I dont have

You need to fill the cum lover metter with the potions for the bath that sells Cumm lover Annie

How do you fill it? Tried to discover but no succes

Trade the cum vials you get having sex with others with the shirt she gave you. Sorry for late too

how can i bit the dungeon 2?  i have used many potion already but i still cant win

Stack the potions until you have 8, then every time the boss hurt you ennought tohave less than 7 points drink potions again. His shield don't protect against phisical damage, so having certain companion helps a lot since that companion deals 7 plain dmg. But one time per fight

how to get companion?

You need to full complete Elyana's quest

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Is there some kind of guide for this game, especially on how to get all the pieces of clothing? I've killed at least 50 tentacle monsters without getting what they're supposed to drop, been running around day after day in Ashton wearing the Catgirl outfit, had sex with dozens of wolves.. none of the items from them dropped! Also, some descriptions on how to unlock clothes are very unclear.

What's that "slutty yet elegant outfit" you have to wear while petting the kitty in Ashton?? Which "megaslutty" outfit is the one Lazarus needs to see?? Since when can I buy clothing from Annie in the Cumlab?? 


Buy from Annie at night, I think.

I wore the Mega Slut top with Raven's normal pants to trigger the Lazarus even

The "Jersey *something*" outfit, it's a skimpy silver mini-dress, just a top item, no bottom, triggers an event in Ashton.

Catgirl ears, top, bottom, feet; are all needed to trigger ANOTHER Ashton event, but it's a beast event, so visit the Pagan Temple in the mountains first.

Tentacle Monster: I had to beat the game, then use the cheat book.


Hmm, I wore the whole Megaslut outfit a few times while visiting him, and nothing happened.
The Catgirl ears did not drop in my game so far, I visited the Pagan Temple several times.

Regarding Annie's Store at night, there are no new things to buy for me. Only the option to visit the Cum Lover Club. And it seems, I still have to unlock that Jersey something outfit.


The lazaru's event was only available to me after I completed the last dungeon

Deleted 2 years ago

You get that suit before the finall boss talkimg with one of your partners, I forgot the name but is the last main character you meet

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Idk if its on my side or not but on mobile android the buttons where u chose what action to do are way to long like it stretches from one side of the screen to the next and makes it difficult to click some other buttons and see aswell so can this be fixed thank you?

Hi! We don''t really develop the games for phones, it is just a simple port >_< We don't have time to check everything on the Android version, but I'll keep that in mind and see if there is an easy fix!

Linux User checking in.

Bug Report: After Elyana moves in, entering her room and choosing any interaction causes the UI to glitch, trapping MC in Elyanna's room. The room option, the "Gather Herbs" button in the bottom right corner and the red box Location selector all disappear. Rolling back via mouse wheel to a point before entering the room, or loading an autosave instantly negates this. Cant provide a screen shot as I've already deleted the game and the local saves.

Bug Report: Adventurer's Cave/Leather Armor Boots. I bought the boots twice while "Shopping Normally", but they never showed up in inventory. I bought them again while WhatsHerName was shopping topless and then they popped up in inventory. 

Possible Bug: Cat Ears/Cat Feet: I got the feet for the CatGirl outfit after my first day slapping wolves and blasting orcs. The ears however, never showed up. I had WhatsHerName kill, molest, spare and harrass wolves all over the forest and mountains for about 2 weeks of ingame time. Nadda.  It might be a glitch where the game checks for item drop, gives one item, then marks both drops complete.

Thank you for taking your time! I'll check on these! c:

It seems that I am also getting the bug with the cat ears.  I got the feet after fighting a wolf in the forest, but can't get the ears.

Btw, Skady blessing have continuation?

Not at the moment, no!

Oh, I thonk that Raven's quest was finished

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Need wiki.

Also first encounter with alchemist merchant, can we have sex if we add lust to shameless slut?

To my knowledge I don't think having sex with Lazarus is not a feature at the moment

With Lazarus the max is getting an outfit

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I need Help. I want to Tell elyana to Live with me, but i dont know how to spare the room. Can annyone tell me how to do it?

You need to go to the city hall in Tale to buy a spare room, it's 250 gold iirc

Any tutorials on unlocking the second town please?

(Ashon City)

it unlocks by beating the dungeon which you need find the rebels after getting the information from a patrol in the mountains

How to get the information from patrol in tale i been trying all but can't able to pass that quest.

refuse to show your permit or attack the first time you see them. you need to fight them and win

I've completed the main game now, I have (almost) everything I can get my hands on, except the imp stuff seen in the first image on here. Sorry if it's really easy to get and i'm just slow, but how do I get it? I got everything else up to this point. While i'm at it, is there a way to see if i've seen and found everything? I found out about Lyman and Taro's house thanks to an old forum post xD

Other than that, great game! I enjoyed my time with it, I look forward to more updates if they come. Give my love to the artist(s) too!

how do i access the inventory? clicking on the chest doesn't seem to do anything

You need to be in your house or any place where you can sleep, for potions you can see them in the red book


hey what about working in the bar naked

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