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how do i beat the third dungeon? i used potions, but the minotaur does more damage than i can heal. i thought maybe i needed to meditate at the forest shrine, but it won't let me donate any gold. what do i do?

(1 edit)

I really like this game, the art style, text and overall vibe are excellent.

I found a couple of bugs though:

major: when withdrawing a manual amount of gold from the lockbox, the big red navigation rectangle vanishes. It doesn’t return even when I exit the house, literally the only option I have is to go back in. This happens even if I save and restart the game, you’re saving too much state, normally the UI should rebuild on save load from your current position and other game data to make bugs like that easily recoverable. (I’ve been there, sorry if that sounds mean.)

minor sequence issue: when you first find the monasteries and choose to visit the pagan one, the game behaves as if you already know the first one, even mentioning the priest you haven’t even met yet.

minor sequence issue: when the bandit by the lake grabs your ass, an anal scene immediately displays, breaking the immersion and spoiling what will happen.

typo: in the bar, there apparently is a “Mmolester”.


Beat the game 100%! I was so addicted to this I could not stop playing. Please update soon!

how do you beat the dungeon? the pure order one ;-

It was surprisingly hard to beat the 3rd dungeon, because you can only boost yourself to a certain power level for the Elements. What I had to do was grind and make a lot of Medium potions,  so that you can restore your Element resistance between enemies.  Small potions won't heal you enough from my experience. Also be sure to figure out which ability is each enemies weakness so you won't waste potions and Damage per turn. Oh, and definitely save before you attempt the dungeon that way you won't have to redo all the grind if you mess up.

I hope that helps.


Fun game. But really needs more scenes... too many are used over and over. 

I'm not really sure how to progress past Tale, is there a walkthrough guide for this game?

Deleted 1 year ago

i think i found a bug... after i slapped a groper the sub-dom score went to quite dominant (1.1102232463e-16), which is quite big. i think its some kind of var overflow...


Fun(?) fact: it’s actually extremely small, it’s e-notation which is a form of scientific notation and the e-16 means divided by 10 to the power of 16. Making the number 0.00000000000000011102232463. I assume it’s a result of increasing a submissive score by a percentage, leaving it ever so slightly above 0. Fun bug.

(Python very rarely has var overflow or type mismatch issues, which often result in numbers like that, because tl;dr of its noob-friendly design.)


How do you fight the high inquisitor ? He does more damages than the potions heal... Is there a way to have more than 7 stats at each elements ? Or better potions than medium ones ?

(1 edit) (+1)

max the stats with potions and use the effective elemental attack (Thunder in this case)


good game


how to get soren baby?

how do i beat the second dungeon?

Potions and effective attack

How do I clear the first dungeon? I can't defeat the third inquisitor no matter what I try, even potions don't do anything

like 3 weak FP potions, and 3 of any of one other type, FP is your lifeline in the battle, and the 2nd type is your attacking spell


Does anyone now how to find Elyana i couldn't find her?

Im stuck with the "fight for my father find ragnar and Elyana" mission

(1 edit) (-1)

your homes bedroom or lake(acess from forrest)

I go to the lake see her there and after that I don't know what to do

Either you talk to her about the fight, but im not shure if thats an option. If not invite her to live with you, and then talk to her at home, it should be highlited red.


I found her and couldn't speak to her, on the next trip to lake there will be button search for elf

tried the new version, it was horribly bugged

Where do I get the bikini? I can't seem to find it anywhere

how do i attake the first dungeon?

Rebel camp in mountains, in the leaders camp

There is a form too unequip clothe?


I simply love this game (and every other from Pixel Games haha) and have already finished it once. Came back on a new device just to learn that Ren'py 7.4 doesn't work well with Android 11, so RQ is looking really weird and constantly crashing :c

I hope the devs update the engine version soon! 


Hi, if you managed to finish it, do you know if there's a guide available? 


I did Elyana's quest all the way through the oasis, and now she's gone...and hasnt come back after like, 10 days. Is there something im supposed to do to get her back?

Same problem anyone knows how to get her back Im collecting all skins but I needs to make her like my hair but shes gone

Deleted 79 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

is there any anal in the game? the only anal I've seen is at the orc camp and it doesn't even have a cum ending like every other scenario in the game

Anyone got any tips on the second dungeon? im stuck on the boss

hey where do you find the stuck in the wall place?

It's part of the main quest when you get to Ashon City, it follows the bunny girl portion I think?

thx already found it

Alr so ummm how do you have those scene with wolfs or animals to unlock the costume?


Hello, are you going to finish some of the game mechanics, like tentacles in the desert that are promised in future updates?

There is a tentacle cave you explore with Elyana after the second dungeon.

When is the next update?

Ren'Py 7.4 and Android 11+ don't really have a good synergy with each other, RQ always crashes every minute. 😿

Where can I acquire a butt plug

Deleted 1 year ago

How do i do to talk with the tentacles?!!


After the Unity announcement, how this will affect this game ?


This game uses ren'py not unity

Is this game finished or will it update again in the future?

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hi, how do finish the quest that says to" see how Freya   is doing" cos she now lives with Raven I have the past HOUR doing every interaction with her.



Will the game get any updates in the future? i feel like the scenes could be a bit more complete


Hi there! I've been having an issue where I can for some reason no longer change my clothing at all? Every time I change an outfit the UI to progress cutscenes (Dialogue boxes and choice boxes) stop responding, and when I save and reload (which worked the first few times) it reverts my outfit, is there away to get around this?


Nevermind I'm an idiot and didn't know you had to click the inventory button again

how do I wear clothes which say raven doesnt want to wear it

If its the exhibition clothes make her more exhibitionist and with more "submissive" clothes make her more submissive

(btw i can use dominant clothes having a 81.1 submissive raven)

How do I beat the 1st dungeon bos

Try to buy a lot of fire potions at lazarus

So if I wanted to get the full game would I have to go the patreon to get it?


No! All our games release fully to everyone, eventually. Right now, Patrons get the games two weeks prior.
This game in particular is completed, so you can play it in its entirety.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I was mainly curious because I'm seeing some stuff that says its a work in progress so I was a little confused.

Oh It's a completed game? I didnt know that. Some files still say there would be changes in future updates i.e. sandy's place


Is there any cheats option?


You can unlock all Raven's outfits, after beating the main quest, by going into her library, in her home.

Is the game is finished or still in development? Cause last update in 2022


It is finished, although we may update it in the future with some customization and/or small events. :)

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