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How can i fix the download problem where it says theres another files thats making an error

Are you on Mac or PC?


I like this game, it's a shame you guys are wrapping up the game for an eventual end. This game has a lot of content potential. Would've been cool to see Cindy and Hilda join Iono in her story, nonetheless it was good. If I'd had to say personally out of characters I wouldve liked to see join the roster would've been, Samus (Metroid), 2B (Nier), android 18 (DBZ), Hinata Hyuga (Naruto), Cindy, Hilda or Sonia (Pokemon) etc.. Having them all have interchangeable jobs throughout the park. Hopefully, this game doesn't get a permanent end but eventual content additions 😫


We're not wrapping it up anytime soon! We still have a lot of content in mind, so don't worry ^^
Next week we're doing a poll for our Patreons to chose a new girl, we'll be announcing her as soon as it's chosen!

(1 edit) (+1)

He got a good point. Your work by now is already incredible. I've been searching for games like yours for some weeks now and I found nothing similar to Welcome to Erosland. The artwork, scenes, history, evolution and management is so good. I easily would pay 50+ U$D for a final version without complaining. 

Also, taking the best of this review, some girls with more evolution and training aspects like you did in Hana would be great. I feel that Hana and Kaisa had too much trouble to getting there (and that was great) and the other girls not so much. I get the idea of being "variety mindset" but I do believe these two things can be worked together.  

Keep the great job, this game is on the road to be one of (or the one) best adult game(s).

Thank you for your words <3

Don't worry, we always want our games to be free and enjoyed by everyone (While trying to survive with optional support!)
Let's see if you enjoy the last two girls! :D


are we gonna get news for the next update soon?

(1 edit) (+1)

It's been more than 1 month since they told us about the 12.0 update. When will it finally come out?


Can you change Eros name


I can't hear voice volume and sound volume 

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Hi! I played your game and I encountered an error, I got into the game but when I was in the bathroom with Angela, I think it turned off everything and I can't do anything. Is there any way to fix it?game and I encountered an error, I got into the game but when I was in the bathroom with Angela, I think it turned off everything and I can't do anything. Is there any way to fix it?

please help quickly ;c


Not sure how to “level up” Lily (she kinda doesn’t have levels)?

Got Hana to 71, Kaisa to 49, and Iono to 3.

Lily hasn’t updated since I completed maid outfit questline, despite taking her to the rooftop by herself and with Kaisa. I’ve also completed the beach scenes, and her interactions with Hana.

I don’t see anything I can buy in the store, and I have the evening gown (lvl 3) and the default dress (lvl 1) and default bikini (lvl 1).

Am I missing something, or do I need to progress the story? I just unlocked the Ferris Wheel and Barn.

Yes, you can check any Lily event by talking with her, if she doesn't have any, you are done for the moment! :)

Cool. Just wanted to check.

Whats after iono I'm on the latest version but I'm lost


Not sure if anyone else has had this issue but after telling Iono to visit Machote during her shift, she vanishes completely. I can still click on all the Animons but Iono herself is just... gone. I've added a pic below to show what I mean. I have a save from just before I summoned her that I can go back to but does anyone know how to avoid this happening?

Thanks for notifying! We'll check if it's a bug. Does it happen at a certain level only? Can you make her 'appear' clicking on another Animon?

Can't make her appear by clicking any Animons (checked all of them) and she doesn't appear after re-assigning her either. I don't know about levels, this happened after unlocking her lv. 20 lock. That screenshot was her at lv. 25. Restarting the game, the save, etc. didn't help either. I haven't gotten back to that point in my other save so I'll reply to this if I end up finding a work-around or if it doesn't repeat with a different save file.

Okay, thanks for the info! We'll check it out.

Im running into the same issue as well. ive tried different things but she just disappears every time.

Is there a discord i can join?

you need to be a supporter i believe


Can we get a way to disable the changing of body writing / cum / condom state its kinda annoying sometimes when going there a characters story 


I frankly find that whole aspect positively  nauseating. How about being able to ask them to automatically clean up after their work shifts end, at the very least?


will we ever be able to assign lily in any of the attractions?

i cant levl up kaisa cus her heart is locked how do i open it?


Hello there, is this still getting developed? Just wondering as it has been 20+ days since you guys said anything.

You can follow updates on our Patreon! We also do some devlogs here, we just posted one :)


There's a bug where Hana is talking to Kaisa in Kaisa's room and selecting "Talk for a while" will cause Hana's image to be appear on top of various scenes

how do you save the game because wen I come of the game and go back on all my progress is lost

How do you update the game on android?? I downloaded the new files and when updating it it came up saying unable to update due to files from the app being unable to be overwritten 😭😭 had to do fresh install and lost all my progress

I think, unfortunately, to install the newer version on Android, you must delete the previous one compeltely u.u

Do all the role here have shared tags?


Lily is our own original character! :)


Where does Lily come from, or is she an original character? She feels so beautiful, but she can't find a fan

machine flip

When will the next update come out?


The apk is at v0.0.9. Fix it plz

how do you get Hana off work i'm at a point where i need to unassign her from work

Make sure the 'lock' icon in the job isn't turned on!

how to get the lap with Kaisa?

Talk with kaisa and go to the lab at night


Recuerdo que había jugado la v0.0.6 y me gustó y volví a descargar el juego anoche y la verdad que lo disfrute bastante , de tus juegos había jugado Raven quest y tanto ese como este me parecieron bastante buenos , considero que debería estar publicado en plataformas como Steam y también considero que le quedarían bien animaciones de 32 fps , la verdad es que es bastante recomendable el juego , como siempre seguiré tu trabajo 

Muchas gracias! <3

Cada vez que quiero cargar el evento navideño me saca del juego(comienzo con mi progreso anterior), será un error en el juego?

Where's the even even, i cant find it anywhere

You need Kaisa and Hana are level 41+ and Iono at level 31+, click on the tree that you have in the hotel, at night.

ohhhhhh thanks 

Puede ser problema de un 'save' antiguo. Si necesitas ayuda y te sigue pasando, contacta con nosotros por Patreon como mensaje privado con fotos y explicación del bug! c:


This game needs sex animations

Hi, I think my version of .apk is struck at v0.0.9 for some reason even if I reapply the new update from, not to mention the lack of icons for android - otherwise I've enjoyed this game so far, keep up the good work! :)


Same tho, the new christmas update just doesn't work for me or I simply don't find the events. And the new outfits doesn't appear either.

I think my have that problem too

Greetings dear game developers. As a non-native English speaker, I have two suggestions, firstly, you can adjust the font to standard font in the settings, secondly, fix the problem that the game screen will move down as a whole when you use the translation software to capture the screen in the Android game version (as shown in the picture)And this problem doesn't appear in your first two games, and the translation app that I use is Bubble Screen Translate, you can download it from Google play store and test it for the game.

Please! It would be nice if there could be any possibility to port PC save to Mobile! I'm actually playing on PC but I want to play on mobile but Im just to lazy to play this much just to be in the same moment on both devices.

I'm sure there's a way to get the save to your phone! Search on how to copy files into your phone. :)

Speaking of, they could use a USB cable and plug their phone into their computer.

You can manage your phone's files from your computer.
I've done it to copy images to and from my phone.
Though on some devices I think it doesn't work, and the only way to check would be to do it yourself.

for some reason, i get stuck when hana go to work at the ferriswheel after i watch her, i cant do anything else

If you can provide a picture of the bug through a DM in our Patreon, we would appreciate it! And we may be able to help you :)

Really love the game concept and art. Super awesome, was suprised to see that this game is free, would honestly pay for such a quality game. Kinda wished that the graphics was a little better, like textures and such. Looking forward to the development of this game and other games that PXgames will release. Do you have a discord channel for your projects?

Thank you so much! We have a discord for Patrons only c:

How to transfer files on mobile?


Hey, I played RQ and I love it! I want to play this game as well but I can't seem to download it and it kept on saying forbidden (Android). My storage is still has a lot of space and my internet is also stable. Is there any way to fix it?

Can't really help you with that, sorry :( Maybe depends on the phone, version or browser used?


Loving the games you're coming out with! Especially the secret scene in Jinx's shop at the WInd's Disciple. Out of curiosity, think we could get a game with a focus on either one? I have yet to try out Eros Island so if they are in there then sweet! If not, we need more Sona and Ahri! They be the queens! Anyway, great job and can't wait for the next!


Glad you like it! We'll see if in the future we can get more LoL characters in Welcome to Erosland! At the moment, you can find Kaisa and the rest of K/DA in the game. :)


all ur games are great can u make more?

also new content for erosland when?


Thank you! We will make more. :)

And soon! ;)

How to get a 4th girl


I picked this up a couple days ago, and now I eagerly await the next update. It's a fun game, and super easy to just lose time in.

Really hoping the next major update comes with daytime scenes for Iono, given what her current daytime scenes indicate.


I have Iono left at level 20, I do not know how to go further, tell me

Deleted 87 days ago

Watch her at work.

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