Welcome to Erosland v0.0.14 Public release!

Hey everyone! 

The new version is here! We finish Tifa's main storyline in this one. We hope you enjoy her in her full awakened form ;)

Changelog v0.0.14:


  • NEW - 2 Tifa training quests - Level 40 and 50 - Awaken.
  •  # 2 new training quests for Tifa when she reaches level 40 and 50 - Awaken!
  • NEW - Tifa scenes at the gym.
  •  # Tifa can continue to workout in the gym with new 'movements' at every level!
  • NEW - Tifa scenes at the canteen.
  •  # New dialogues and scenes at levels 40 and 50.
  • NEW - Tifa's frame can now get dirty after awakening when doing certain events and jobs.
  •  # Added bodywriting system for Tifa.
  •  # Added condom system for Tifa.
  •  # Added cum system for Tifa.
  • NEW - Tifa's bathroom.
  •  # Clean up Tifa's 'dirtiness' in her new bathroom!
  • NEW - Repeatable events and scenes for Tifa and Eros.
  •  # Each stage of Tifa's training quests will unlock new repeatable event scenes with Eros.
  • NEW - 6 new outfit versions for Tifa unlocked after her level-up quests
  • NEW - New outfit and underwear buyable from Lovezon.
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game when leaving the Christmas event.


  • 2 new full scenes with variations.
  • Bodywriting, condoms and cum system for Tifa's frame.
  • 1 new outfit for Tifa.
  • 2 new variations for Tifa's original outfit.
  • 4 new variations for Tifa's gym outfit.
  • 1 new underwear for Tifa.
  • 9 new total poses/new versions for Tifa in the gym.
  • 9 new total poses/new versions for Tifa in the canteen.
  • 1 new Tifa's frame cleaning up in her bathroom.
  • Various icons, buttons and other art assets.


WelcomeToErosland-0.0.14-pc.zip 1,007 MB
Sep 15, 2024
WelcomeToErosland-0.0.14-mac.zip 1,002 MB
Sep 15, 2024
Welcome to Erosland v0.0.14 - Android
Sep 15, 2024

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Are there any plans for other ow girls like Juno, Kiri or Widow? Even Tracer would be an option with a cuckqueen Emily story

We'll see what comes in the future! We plan on expanding the game "horizontally" after Peach is fully implemented, so the possibilities are endless. :)

Deleted 3 days ago

Thanks for the idea! We'll try to implement something like that in the future :)

I'm having the same issue as Fyrez below. How can I "contact you privately so you can take a look"?

You can send us an email to pixelgamesx@gmail.com or contact us through a DM on Patreon!


So I am having an issue where i get stuck in the same spot over and over again. I need help. I do not know hat to do from here. maybe im looking in the wrong place but i cant find where to go from here. (ive uninstalled multiple times, and restarted multiple times)

Hi! Seems to be a common problem. It's most likely an old save issue (if you have Iono at level 51+). Unfortunately, to fix it you should start a new game. That's what fixed it for other people. If you still have the same problem in a fresh new game, contact us privately and we'll take a look!

I've started a new game, I've wiped all my saves, I've deleted and redownloaded, and I'm getting nothing but that same error

Im having problems with loading my savefiles since the new update. When i trie to load in it says: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "renpy.display.scenelists". 

That probably because of loading an old version save into a new version of Ren'py or the other way around.

Did they add more women?

And when will there be another update?

Im also having issues with Google drive saying you can't download... 

Ive tried for 2 days, Android version


Just updated the link and now you should be able to download it through itch.io!

Help pls, i dont know how to buil they gym, i don't see the option 

Hi! Seems to be a common problem. Make sure Iono is level 51 or more and that you are not using an old save! (It can cause these kind of problems)

v0.0.14 was the first one for me, sometimes was a bit confusing but pretty good overall. Great Job ♥


Glad you liked it <3 Will try to make it more straight forward in certain areas for sure. :)


Can we get an alternative download link? It says the Google drive is getting too many downloads and is unavailable.


Another great update. Oh great creator of this game, will there be other scenes for the four, Ahri, Kaisa, Akali and Evelyn??


It definetely will in the future. We want to finish the main story/main 5 girls and then we'll do lots of content for the existing girls, side-girls, customizations, etc.

Looking forward to it, Good Sir.❤️