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How do I get the catgirl head option? There's no option to steal from monastery and I've had no luck from wolves. Also what outfit do I need to wear when talking to lazarus I've tried exhibitionist and megaslut but no extra options came up . Same with the hairstyle for elyana

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I'm pretty sure you need to liberate Tale (do the first dungeon) before it will work, even if you have the right outfit.

As for the cat ears, uh, sorry, can't remember at all :/

I got mine from wolves ig just be patient.


Is there any cheats?


Ren'py cheat engines exist.

Whether or not they work for this particular game without having to make the cheats yourself?
I have personally never tested it.

can you lower sexual interest?

How do I get to the first dungeon? I cant find it

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You first need to get to the mountains. Beat up a patrol there to find the way to the rebel camp. Head to said rebel camp and help them survive the raid. Afterward, talk to the rebel leader when you feel ready to tackle the first dungeon.
(You will want to visit the witch in the desert first to get your stats up to 4 each).

I was invited to the talent studio, but I can't find it anywhere in the game even though it said I unlocked it. Do I have to complete the second dungeon before it's *actually* unlocked? Also - any advice to make Raven stronger? I'm having a rough time with the second dungeon boss fight, even though she's max powered up rn and I've got medium and low potions. Unfortunately the boss takes more damage than I can heal with medium potions, but I haven't found anywhere to make high level potions. Any help is appreciated, love the game so far! ^^

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If you mean the idol thing, it's in tale leisure at night,

And potions aren't only for healing, you can take them ahead of time to boost your status above your max temporarily.

Since high potion don't show up in the stats tab, it's a fair guess that they don't exist.


Is there a way to turn off pregnancy in game or somehow abort? I don't really like that aspect in games so if there's anyway to get around that I'd appreciate it a lot!

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Sort of.
There are pills that prevent it.
I don't remember the exact name of the store where you get them, but the person that runs it can be found in the public bath.
(You can't simply explore Tale to stumble across the shop :/ )

I had the painter ask me to show up in microbikini, also there was Ely character quest unfinished... Then I finished the main quest and the painter doesn't ask for it anymore... Also I can't continue Ely's quest. Is it normal? 

кто подскажет будет ли еще обновления ?

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In the forest, there's a "handsome adventurer" you can run into. You need to go with him to the lake at least once, then you need your sex interest decently high. Next time you go to the lake with him, a bandit should interrupt things. Submissively go along with the bandit, and he gives you the buttplug afterward.

Guys how do enter dungeon 1? It won't let me, is it armour or what?

also anyone know how to up my prostitution level?


There's a guard at the gate between the first city and the mountains that asks to see a pass. Giving him a blowjob instead counts as prostitution.


Fucking awesome game. I love it

is there any cheats i lost all my progress

Is there any way to allow Raven to become a futanari?

anyone got a save of the game ?

Has anyone got a walkthrough of the game?

How do i enter the mens bath? I only have access to mixed and womens, my lust and submissiveness are 50+

and you visited already the mixed baths?


Yes, i think i found out. You can't go into the mens baths with the micro bikini, and i think my sub stat needed to be 100

If I remember right, all you need is a fairly high sex interest stat (like maybe 50+?), and to have done the groping bros scene in the mixed bath at least once by going into the water.

You don't need high stats but maybe you have to progress more in the main quest

Nah, story progress has little to do with it, cuz I managed to make it work before even entering the desert, and certainly well before doing the first dungeon.

So good :0

Where do I find the Orsula herb?

I think in one of the Ashtons

The release date was March 2022, but I swear I've played this well before then

How do I get to the point  where I can wear other clothes? Every single thing I own says "Raven doesn't want to wear that"


Raven has to do lewder and lewder things to increase her 'attitude' towards sex. This is the attribute you have to level to equip sluttier clothes.

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Had a blast with this game, art style, story, and gameplay is so nice for me. Also lewd content. Easy 10/10

how can i get out of the mountain part?

You need to get the pass to go to the gate

How do you do the segs scene with wolf?

You need to unlock the content by going to the pagan monastery, in the mountains.

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Is there a way to download the saves of the game?

Hey are you still looking for ways to do it? if so i might be able to help

Yeah, I'm looking still

Fancy Ace#1460

This is my discord dm me

why the need on discord?

Sorry for the late response i've been busy, anyway it would have made it easier, so if you have it on the itch launcher, you can click settings and i'm sure you can find it from there, if you installed it from the site just click on the folder that says "raven quest" then game, then copy the saves folder

why the need on discord?

are there animations?

by far my FAVOURITE nsfw game on itch (possibly of all time)


When do you guys think you'll finish the "cumdump" storyline?

Bestie, I don't even know how to up my prostitution level. Nor do i know how to enter the dungeon.


Is it possible to make these bars for the exploration options smaller?

I have the same Problem and ask me have wnto change it.


Please update the tentacle scene in the desert.


how do I get the Prostitution Outfit?

complete the tale city main line iirc;  sometimes you only get part of it dropped from the boss in there,  not sure if that's a bug or something intentional but i got the remainder of it by going again when that happened to me.

Thank you!

Is the game already completed?

It is, but in a future we could have an expansion of anything

Im trying to get the tentacle slime, but I dont know how. When you have sex with the monster and get its slime all over you it does nothing. Anyone know what to do?

Fight them but without killing


hands down the BEST nsfw game on itch 

really? you haven't seen much then ;-)

just hits all my niches really well

Is the exhibitionist event random, or do I simply need to meet the (unlisted) requirements?

You need to level up the exhibitionism points to unlock it

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By how much? I'm sitting at a 23.5 and still haven't seen this "Wesley" character..

I'm not sure at all since I had a high level when I first saw it. But maybe its at 25 or even 30

idk but i don't think it's that high,  pretty sure it's locked till tale is liberated.

Ahh, for that even I think that you need to beat the second dungeon

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