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Is there a way to lower sexual interest?

Found out some content is still missing going to wait for other routes almost done with main content?

Its the cumlab one but I saw the website and it says that the game is finished soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I guess we're not getting that route sadge

What do you mean Cumlab is missing? You can get into it, but it's rather small and doesn't add a lot of content.

oh nevermind guess I got something not unlocked at that time

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had potential until it started forcing sex scenes with patrick if you wanted to get stronger to progress the main quest, dropped

um so i got to ashon plains and the stores. i bought an item labeled as 50g and i had 114 so i was gonna get that and the other item available since they say theyre both 50 each. i buy one and suddenly i have 34g left? so i go back in the text to check again and yeah. both say 50 but they're actually 80 when you pay for them. rip

Is it a dead game? Last update the game had only added Chinese translation


the game is done.


How is it done? The last update was 1.4 and the patch notes dont mention it being the final release?




what means EP, WP, AP and FP potion? which effect they does? 

and where i can find HP potion?


ep- earth ption, wp- water potion, ap- air potion, fp- fire potion


They should make a discord server, I'd join it at least


We have a discord server for Patreon supporters only! We are not interested in moderating a public one at the moment, sorry >w<


pls update the app

Don't think that pixel games will awnser, but are you guys working on something? If anyone knows anything about this, tell me.


welcome to erosland seems to be their active game lately


I am avoiding this game because it is in early development and I don't like getting my hopes up. But thanks!


You're doing the right thing.

After some updates it will slowly become more and more boring and repetitve and the final product won't be as amazing as it should be if it was your first exposure to it...

i should know, i made that mistake.

how do i get the tentacle juice?


Is there more way to fuck with ely? 

Is there a easier way to defeat the second dungeon boss? I'm really having a hard time with him with or without the strong potions

I just buy lots of weak potions and drink all twice before the second boss. And keep using the electric skill thing (electro burst or something)

Where do I find the cat and what outfit do I need to have? The one from madam lacroix?

(1 edit)

I found a bug: if you try to buy somthing from the potion shop in the forest but don't have enough money it will redirect you to the cumlab store

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I just picked this up the other day and have been loving the game so far. But got to the farm and was a little disappointed that I couldn't get pregnant from the horses I kinda wish you could get pregnant with anything though.


Has anyone told you ur kinda sick in the head


Right? FR FR lol!!


my psychiatrist has but I think they meant something else.


Come on, now, we don't judge anyone kinks here, specially in a fantasy setting. ;P


Fair enough 


i agree

(1 edit) (+4)

Nah bro I EXCLUSIVELY judge people in fantasy settings


well i mean, you can fuck them tho


Do you have any recommendation on games like that? i cant really seem to find a lot here, maybe i'm not searching well.


Who find cathedral in tale?

How do I put different clothes on raven? The wardrobe is locked for me

Шкаф доступен только в своем доме (в лесу), только из своего дома ты получишь доступ к шкафчику

Но не все вещи ты сможешь надеть на персонажа, нужно прокачивать


Go home or rent a room, then the wardrobe will be available, the chest icon will be yellow


Will we be getting a DLC or Sequel? :) I loved this game so much and would love some expanded content!

(1 edit) (+2)

Not in our plans right now :( Glad you liked it <3


How do I get to ashon city?

Is this game fully completed? Like no more updates?


It is completed, yes. We can't say there will be no more updates in the future, though!

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It desperately needs an update lol. I mean, you have severe glitches that force restarting via a new file, game crashes that bring up the grey screen of error codes, and a tentacle monster that clearly states it will have a sex scene "in a future update".

That being said, I enjoy Eros a LOT more than RQ and can see how well you have improved coming from RQ to Wind to Eros. So, keep up the good work!  

Anyone know if there is a different sub option other than becoming Susan's slave?


This game fucking sucks locked into 1 option in every fucking situation can not choose different paths just boring click click stupidity with no real entertainment fucking retarded!!!!


bro wackled his noodle a bit too hard


This game is superb but the author should make a full screen version it'll be more fun to play


Having fun with the Pagan Monastery, the way the dialog goes with the Priest, "You're improving". Sounds like there is more to this event. Does anybody know if that is the case?


how do i wear the dom pieces of clothing im very confused cause i got to level 70 domminant but it still says "raven dosent want to wear this"

(1 edit)

Interesting I'm only level 14 Dominant & can wear it. Maybe try again at another change clothes location. I just checked something I can also wear the submissive outfit at that level.


you need to be more slutty


i cant seem to get the hat you get from looting wolves/ stealing from the pegan monestary


Ok if you are dominant, it will not drop, you need to be submissive & offer sex to wolf. I am working on little quirks in the game to post on a wiki.


what's the wiki called?


Still working on it, but have found that wiki's need a certain level of experience. So might just post a document page.


but what about from the monastery?

if i remember i was submissive i cant remembe


Any chance of seeing this release on Steam?


Oh... I thought it was a content update. ):

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How do you get the whorish outfit? I somehow got the whorish top, but am missing the rest of the outfit. I also don't remember how I got the top, I think it may have been from submitting to enemies on the streets of tale?

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Keep going back to the dungeon until you get all the pieces. I just got all mine by doing that. you need to keep going back to Rignar at the Rebel Camp.


This seems to be working, thanks mate. I hadn't paid attention and didn't realize that's where I got the first one from.


What outfit do I need to prostitute in the streets of Tale?


Hi Fellow gamers, could anybody tell me if a walkthrough is available for this game. I seem to be playing blind as of what to do but having fun doing it. Money seems to be the big issue Pub seems to be the best place at present. Because I'm still in Tale have not found other areas except Monastery.

after the first dungeon you can work in the streets of tale and work at the idol studio (which give the higher money i could got in tale)


How can i get the cum vials, it says i can get it from annie's store but i find nothing there


The .exe doesnt run? windows


Umm... How can I get a gift from the "?" in the forest? I already unlocked all the clothes except the one that I have to get from the "?"


maybe its just a placeholder name, i have everything as well but cant get the event to happen either

I need help

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You have to do the stuffs with rebel man and rebel woman, then they will give you the bunny-girl outfit

I tried. Is there a chance?

No. I just do the stuffs with both rebel man and rebel woman in Ashon city's hideout and they gave me the bunny girl outfit. Did you tried by do with both of them?

Deleted 1 year ago


Have to keep doing it then sleep then repeat and after a bunch of times with the women and men they will talk to you and give you it

you need to click in chest, near book and day/night timer. Look for clothes.

Any possibility of toy integration in a future update?

Are there other toys other than the plug or no

there is a vibrator too 

Another bug: I seem to be able to train with Freya indefinitely but I have only like 2 bottles of the stuff.

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